Kıyıköy, known until 1960 as Midye, is a lovely, walled Byzantine town between two river mouths on the Black Sea. There are pretty beaches, a fishing fleet, wattle-and-daub houses and a complete lack of restoration. The air of peace and timelessness is only interrupted in summer weekends and holidays when the entire population of the hinterland heads for Kıyıköy with the express intention of depositing litter.
Kıyıköy is one of the few places in which the limestone bedrock reaches the coast. This means that the area is rich in caves and hence cave churches.
1. Cave Monastery of St Nicholas, Aya Nikola Manastırı
2. Kıyıköy Harbour churches, Kıyıköy Liman Oyma Kiliseleri
3. Kıyıköy Necropolis, Kıyıköy Şarapçı Yolu Kaya Oyma Mezarı
4. Rock-cut church on Çalışkan Farm / Çalışkan Çiftliği Kayaya Oyma Kilise
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